Sunday, August 5, 2007

You Don't Bring Me Flowers

Ok ladies, what is the big deal with receiving flowers? They die! Why would you want a gift that dies? These things were cute back in elementary and middle school when your "sweetheart" would give you some flowers that he picked from the ground during recess, but now, flowers are just pointless! Every gift has a meaning, and I would be very skeptical about receiving a gift that is going to die in a week or two. Maybe it's just me. If I give a female some flowers, that's like giving her a 2 week notice. I'm basically saying that we're going to have 2 weeks of romance and's over. I mean, flowers are supposed to symbolize love or something like that right? So what does that say about your love...its only going to last a couple of weeks? I mean, if someone is sick and at a hospital, flowers have got to be the worst thing to give them. What are you trying to say "Here, I brought you some flowers that are going to die just like you!" They're just pointless. Men, give a gift that will last for longer than two weeks, not something that is going to give her an instant rush of joy, but then a few days later when they start to wilt, she ain't thinking bout them no more. Ladies, please don't make it a big deal if a guy refuses to buy you flowers. They may look pretty and make your friends envious, but they die...quickly!


Natalie said...

It's just something about flowers that seems really sweet, especially when received unexpectedly. They just set the mood for romance. I never thought about it this way...come to think of it, flowers are expensive and temporary gifts. 2 weeks notice? Lol...that's um...creative. But yes, there are other meaningful gifts that can be given. I suppose u might have a point.

Anonymous said...

its the thought that counts!!!! who says you need material things????

Anonymous said...

Red Roses..Pink Roses..LOVE THEM!!! I used to have a bf who brought them to me every month..howver..........yea we broke up..that ended. Shows romance is short-lived...thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Preach!! Yo dude, do you have a calling for the ministry b/c you been speaking nothing but truth with the Blogs.(hope this is not blasphemous)

I must admit however, flowers are a catch 22 when you have a GF who expects them regardless of how you feel about giving them to her.