Saturday, February 2, 2008

Why Black History Month is in February

This is a question that I'm sure some think about come this time of year. Of course, the general consensus is because it is the shortest month of the year. Though this makes since, I have yet to find true evidence from credible sources backing this assumption. However, after having a conversation with one of my friends about this matter, we came to a conclusion that not only is Black History Month celebrated in February because it is the shortest month, but because it also has other occasions that take away from learning and appreciating Black achievement.

Distraction #1 Super Bowl - Every since the league gave teams two weeks to prepare for the Super Bowl, most of the games have been played in the first couple of days of February. Though this game only takes away a few days of Black History celebration, the problem lies in the commercials. The Super Bowl is a great platform for airing a commercial or 4 on Black History yet you rarely see one commercial that does so. Why?
Distraction #2 Valentines Day - The first half of the month is usually spent by people making or finding something to give their significant other for this day. This one day potentially overshadows two whole weeks of learning, realizing, and/or appreciating African-American achievement.
Distraction #3 Presidents Day - If you can recall your younger days in school, it was around this time that you were learning about the Presidents (Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson...) and/or getting ready to perform a play about them. So this day took up another week that could have been used for celebrating Black achievement.

This leaves you with one week left in February. Ironically, Black History Month started out as Negro History Week...guess now you know why!

Seems like year after year this month goes by without any celebration or recognition of African-American achievement. A solution is to make people aware of this and do something about it. Bring up facts to co-workers, classmates, family members or anyone else you might have a casual conversation. "They're" only giving us [African-Americans] 28/29 days to celebrate so lets make the most of it and spread the knowledge so that it doesn't go to waste. Learn about a black achievement that occurred each and every day this month. Black History...365!

"I Make Black History Everyday, I don't Need a Month!" - K. West